It’s critically important to maintain the highest indoor air quality (IAQ) in your home. Since the consequence of failing to do this, both in the short term and long term, can be quite serious, you should learn the signs of declining IAQ. If you’re a homeowner in Navarre, FL, we’d like to alert you to three major signs of poor IAQ.
1. Problems With Respiratory Health
Without question, if you consistently inhale polluted air, you will experience all sorts of discomfort and health complications. The majority of the health issues you’re likely to endure in such a situation will revolve around your respiratory system. Poor IAQ may cause symptoms like coughing, sneezing, shortness of breath, increased colds and other respiratory diseases.
However, other things, like pre-existing illnesses and an unhealthy lifestyle, may also cause these respiratory symptoms, so their mere emergence does not automatically mean you have low IAQ. One thing to look for is if your respiratory issues improve after you leave home. If they do, then the reason is probably dirty air in your home.
2. Poor HVAC Performance
Poor IAQ can also potentially adversely affect your HVAC system’s performance. The more pollutants and particulates in the air, the more will float into your HVAC system’s filters and collect on other parts.
When these particulates clog the filter or enter your HVAC system, they can cut off airflow and stymie all sorts of functions. To help prevent this, you should clean your filters at least every one to three months and schedule HVAC maintenance every year.
3. Trouble Sleeping or Concentrating
Contaminated air can disrupt your sleep by making it more difficult to breathe at night. As a result, you will have less rest and may struggle to concentrate during the day. Poor IAQ may also produce brain fog during waking hours.
Our team stands ready with products to improve the air quality in your Navarre, FL home. Call the All Seasons Service Network and ask for our IAQ services today.
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